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Friday, May 13, 2011

BluePrint Cleanse Day 2 & 3

Readers I am so SORRY about the delay in this blog post. Blogger has been down since Wednesday night and I have lost all my entries since then. 

Day 2 Cleanse Update
The second day into my juice cleanse I woke up at 6am jumped out of bed, walked both dogs, cleaned my house top to bottom, got ready for work and was out the door before 7:30am. Talk about energy!!! I didn't even hit snooze or lay in bed for a few extra seconds.

Throughout the day everything went extremely well. I did feel hunger once between juice 3 and 4 but that also could have been nerves since our house was showing (its for sale).  Otherwise I was full of energy and did not have one craving or temptation all day. So far so good!!

Day 3 Cleanse Update
I woke up relaxed and didn't feel the least bit bloated. What girl doesn't love waking up with a flat tummy?
Up early again I was feeling great (not sluggish or bloated) happy and full of energy.

I was put to the test in the afternoon, as we went to my Aunts house for a BBQ. But let me say this was no ordinary BBQ as my cousin was in from California and he is one of the Top Chefs in the US. He made everything from pork with a homemade salsa Verde to roasted lemon fennel and asparagus salad, Italian roasted peppers with goat cheese etc. I walked into the festivities with my little BPC cooler and guess what I was NOT TEMPTED to eat one thing! I couldn't believe it. I stuck to my juice cleanse and felt full and satisfied.

I also gauge I am down 3+ pounds already and I still have the post cleanse to go (I love this added bonus)

So for the next 3-4 days I will be following a post cleanse

The idea is to break the Cleanse primarily with fruit (day one), then add salads and steamed veggies (day two), legumes (day three), from there I can begin incorporating what ever else I normally eat leaving meat and dairy last to come on board.

Breaking the Cleanse Sample Menu:

Day 1 – I will have a few pieces of fruit spread out through the day, or some fresh squeezed non-pasteurized juice (green/citrus/or fruit). If I want I can drink some freshly squeezed juice, but will be sure to dilute it with some water.

Day 2 - I can have raw or lightly steamed vegetables, e.g. spinach, broccoli; try and avoid the more starchy veggies like carrots, beets, squash etc. I will also have a raw green leafy salad with some vegetables.

Day 3 – Green salads should will be my staple at this point. If I'm craving some more sustenance, I may choose plain brown rice (a small portion), or a yam or sweet potato.

Day 4 – If I eat meat, I can incorporate some now - lightly steamed or poached fish, with veggies and a salad of course!

Day 5 – Other more “dense” foods are now able to gradually make a come back.

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